
검색결과 20 건 중 1 - 15 을(를) 표시 중입니다.


Artificial Intelligence , Cell-Free MIMO , Deep Learning , Holographic MIMO , Intelligent Networking Resource Management , ISAC

  • 논문9

  • 컨퍼런스27

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


6G , Deep Learning , Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) , Machine Learning , Semantic Communication

  • 논문5

  • 컨퍼런스18

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


Computer Vision , Federated Learning , Multimodal Learning , Neural Networks , Representation Learning

  • 논문4

  • 컨퍼런스19

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


Federated Learning , Federated Optimization , Robust Federated learning

  • 논문0

  • 컨퍼런스4

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


6G , Computer Vision , Incremental Learning , Open-RAN

  • 논문1

  • 컨퍼런스8

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


Computer Vision , Federated Learning , Multimodal Learning

  • 논문3

  • 컨퍼런스13

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks , Network Optimization , Space-Air-Ground-assisted Multi-access Edge Computing

  • 논문1

  • 컨퍼런스7

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


5G and beyond , Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) , Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) , Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting RIS (STAR-RIS)

  • 논문5

  • 컨퍼런스13

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

  • 논문6

  • 컨퍼런스10

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID


Computer Vision , Federated Learning , Multimodal Learning , Self-supervised Learning

  • 논문5

  • 컨퍼런스19

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

  • 논문0

  • 컨퍼런스0

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

  • 논문0

  • 컨퍼런스1

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

  • 논문1

  • 컨퍼런스4

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

  • 논문1

  • 컨퍼런스2

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

  • 논문9

  • 컨퍼런스15

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

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