
검색결과 3 건 중 1 - 3 을(를) 표시 중입니다.

College of Software

6G , ISAC , Network Intelligence , Non-Terrestrial Networks , Semantic Communication

  • 논문9

  • 컨퍼런스13

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID
졸업 2024-02

College of Software


  • 논문4

  • 컨퍼런스12

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

College of Software


  • 논문14

  • 컨퍼런스1

ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD ResearchGate Google Scholar ID

필터 1개만 적용

