Find the Brain
for Future Innovation.연구자 984

Ion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells & Electrolysis , Membrane Processes & Separation Strategies , Membrane Science & Engineering , Sustainable Chemical Engineering & White-Bio Technology

Bioinformatics , NGS , Plant Biotechnology , Plant Genetics , Plant Physiology , RNASeq , Stress

- (Photo)Elctrochemistry
- 2D Material
- 2D materials
- 2D Nanomaterials, Thin Film, Single Atom Catalyst, Electrochemical Energy Storage, Electrocatalyst
- 3D Display
- 3D printer
- 4D Printing Technology
- 5G and beyond
- 5G/6G
- 5G/6G 네트워크
- 6G
- Abiotic stress
- Abiotic stress tolerance
- Acupuncture
- Adipose tissue
- Advance materials
- Advanced electronic devices
- Advanced high-speed imaging technique
- Advanced material processing
- Adversarial Machine Learning
- Adversarial Robustness
- Agent-based model
- Agriculture
- Agronomy
- AI
- AI + X (Energy, Environment)
- AI for network
- AI in medicine
- AI-based particulate matter monitoring
- Air pollution control
- Alzheimer's disease
- Analytical Chemistry
- Animal experiment
- Animation
- Anode materials for Lithium and Sodium ion batteries
- Anti-obesity
- Antioxidant capacity
- Aqueous Zinc ion Batteries
- Aqueous zinc metal batteries
- Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries
- Archaeology
- Arduino
- Artificial Intelligence
- Astronomical instrumentation
- Athletic Training
- Automated code checking
- Automation
- Autonomous systems
- B5G/6G
- Batteries
- Battery
- Battery Health
- Battery Material Researcher
- Battery, Supercapacitors, Graphite based Materials
- Benign prosate hyperplasia
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Big data
- Big Data Analysis
- Big Data Application
- Big-data
- Bigdata
- Bigdata Analysis
- Bio-Business
- Bioapplication
- Bioavailability
- Biochemistry
- Biocompatable polymer
- Bioelectronics
- Bioinformatics
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biometric Signal
- Biosensor
- Biosynthesis of plant natural products
- BLE firmware
- Boiling heat transfer and bubble dynamics
- Branding
- Browning
- Business Analytics
- Cachexia
- Callus
- Cancer
- Cancer cachexia
- Carbon capture and utilization
- Carbon Neutrality
- Cardiac adipose tissue
- Catalyst
- Cathode
- Cathode Active Materials
- Causal Inference
- Cell
- Cell culture
- Cell-Free MIMO
- Chemical Biology
- Chemisrty
- Chemistry
- Chromatin structure
- Climate Change
- Climatology
- Clinical pharmacometrics
- Color Center
- Color Conversion
- Commercialization of technology
- Communication networks
- Composite materials
- Computational chemistry
- Computational materials
- Computer Vision
- Constitutive modelling
- Consumer behavior
- Core network
- Cosmetics
- Counterfactual Quantum Communication
- Crisis management
- CRISPR-cas9
- Crops
- Cultured meat
- Data Analysis
- Data Science
- Data-based research
- Data-driven
- Decarbonization
- Decision Support
- Deep Learning
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)
- Delivery system
- Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Tourism
- Depression
- Dermatology
- Destination Marketing
- Diatom
- Digestion stability
- Digital health
- Digital trade
- Digital Twin
- Disability hospitality
- Disease model_mice & zebrafish
- Drug development
- Drug Safety
- Dynamics
- East Asia Summer Monsoon
- Effector-trigger immunity
- Electrocatalysis
- Electrocatalyst (OER, HER)
- Electrochemical Energy Storage devices
- Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems
- Electrochemiluminescence
- Electrochemistry
- Electronic skin
- Encapsulation
- Energy
- Energy A.I.
- Energy AI
- Energy Harvesting
- Energy Management
- Energy Optimization
- Energy Policy
- Energy storage
- Energy Storage and Conversion Technologies
- Energy storage devices
- Energy storage diveces
- Engineering
- English Drama
- English Literature
- Env. A.I.
- Env. AI
- Environment of the elderly
- Environmental engineering
- Environmental Informatics
- Environmental modeling
- Epidemiology
- Epigenomics
- Error Correction
- Esg
- Event management research trends
- Evolution
- Exercise Physiology
- Eye tracking
- Factory Simulation
- Fan economy
- Federated Learning
- Federated Learning in healthcare
- Federated Optimization
- Fermentation
- Fibroblast
- Flexible and stretchable electronics
- Flow chemistry
- Fluoropolymer
- Food chemistry
- Food Microbiology and Biotechnology
- Food safety
- Food Science
- Food Service Management
- Food tech
- Functional food
- Generative design
- Genome Editing
- Genomics
- GeoAI
- Geoghaphy
- Geography
- Geospatial tourism
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Global health
- Graphene
- Graphene, Mxene, Single atom catalyst, Electrochemical, Energy Storage, CNT
- Graphite surface modification for fast-charging lithium-ion batteries
- Green electronics
- Hand-eye calibration
- Herbal medicine
- Heritage
- Heterojunction_nanocomposites
- Hexagonal Boron Nitride
- High performance sodium ion batteries
- High-entropy material
- High-throughput diagnostic platform
- Historical archaeology
- Holographic MIMO
- Holography
- Hospitality Brand Strategy
- Hospitality Consumer Behavior
- Hospitality Management
- Hotel Management
- Human computer interaction
- Human factor
- Hybrid energy harvesting
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution
- Hydrogen production
- Hydrology
- Immunoassay
- Immunology
- Immunotherapy
- Incremental Learning
- Indoor and Outdoor air quality monitoring
- Indoor Environmnet
- Industrial AI
- Industry 4.0
- Infectious diseases
- Inflammation
- Inner Mongolia
- Inner mongolia, China
- Innovative strategy
- Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC)
- Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks
- Intelligent Networking Resource Management
- Interaction
- Ion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells & Electrolysis
- Kombucha
- Korea Medicine
- Korean as a Foreign Language
- Korean Linguistics
- Korean Medicine
- Land-Atmosphere Interaction
- Language and culture
- Language use
- Layered Double Hydroxide
- Learning memory
- Li-ion Battery
- Light extraction
- Liquid chromatography
- Literary Theory and Criticism
- Lithium ion batteries and next-generation secondary batteries
- Lithium ion battery and next generation secondary batteries
- Lithium Iron Phosphate
- Lithium-ion batteries and next-generation secondary batteries
- Lithium-ion batteries degradation analysis
- Lithium/Sodium Anodes
- Live Commerce
- Liver
- Local Branding
- Local development
- Luminescent materials
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Application
- Machine learning modeling
- Marketing
- Material synthesis
- Materials Synthesis
- Mathematical modeling
- Mathematical modelling
- Mechanical energy harvesting
- Mechanically guided 3D structure
- Medical AI
- Medical Applications
- Medical bigdata
- Medical Education
- Medical Image Segmentation
- Medical Informatic
- Medical informatics
- Medical Professionalism
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Membrane Processes & Separation Strategies
- Membrane Science & Engineering
- Mental Health
- Meridian
- Meta-research
- Metabolic Engineering
- Metabolism
- Metabolomics
- Metal ion batteries
- Metal-ion Batteries
- Metaverse
- Methodology
- MICE Strategy
- MICE도시마케팅
- MICE산업
- MICE정책
- Micro-cavity effect device
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Microfluidic
- Microfluidics
- Migration & refugee
- Mitochondria
- Modeling
- MOF derived 3D porous carbon lithium storage materials
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Mongolia
- Multilingual Education
- Multimodal
- Multimodal Learning
- Muscle Atrophy
- Nanochemistry
- Nanofiber fabrication
- Nanomaterial
- Nanomaterials
- Nanoparticle (quantum dot)
- Nanoparticle synthesis
- Nanotechnology
- Natural Language Processing
- Natural product
- Natural product analysis
- Natural Product Chemistry
- Natural products
- Nature Geography
- NETosis
- Network Analysis
- Network Intelligence
- Network Management
- Network Optimization
- Network pharmacology
- Neural Networks
- Neurodegenerative disease
- Neuropathology
- Neurophamacology
- Neuropharmacology
- Neuroscience
- Next generation high-energy metal batteries
- Next-generation batteries
- Nomadic culture
- Non-Terrestrial Networks
- Nuclear engineering
- Nuclear fuel
- Nuclear materials
- Nuclear thermal hydraulics
- Nursing
- Nursing education
- Obesity
- OLED blue solution
- Online review
- Online Reviews
- Open-RAN
- Optics
- Optimal control
- Optimization
- Organic Chemistry
- Organic electronic materials
- Organic Solar cell
- Organic synthesis
- Oxygen Reduction and Zinc-air Battery
- Paleohydrology
- Particulate matter filtration
- Pathophysiology
- Perovskite QD
- Peroxisome
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic(PK/PD)
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacovigilance
- Pharmacy
- Phase-change heat transfer
- Phase-field
- Phase-field modeling
- Photocatalysis
- Photochemistry
- Photoelectrochemistry
- Photonics
- Physics
- Piezoelectric nanogenerator
- Piezoelectric Nanogenerators
- Plant
- Plant biology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant development
- Plant Functional Genomics
- Plant Genetics
- Plant immunity
- Plant Physiology
- Plant physiology under salt stress
- Plant-pathogen interaction
- Plnat Biology
- Point-of-care testing
- Pollen
- Polyphenol
- Pragmatics
- Process systems engineering
- PSiNPs
- Psychiatric disorder
- Psychiatry
- Quantitative Analysis Using Patent Data
- Quantum Anonymous Communication
- Quantum Communication
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Information Science
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum network
- Quantum Networks
- Quantum Sensing
- Quaternary Science
- Raman spectroscopy
- Random Control Trial
- Recommendation system
- Recommender System
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs)
- Regulatory Science
- Reinforcement learning
- Remote Sensing
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable energy system
- Representation Learning
- Research Ethics
- Research integrity
- Resistance gene
- Resource recovery
- Review Helpfulness Prediction
- RF circuit
- Rice
- RNASeq
- Robot Control
- Robot Vision
- Robotics
- Robust Federated learning
- Root
- Sarcopenia
- School air quality monitoring
- Secondary Battery
- Secondary Metabolisms
- Self-supervised Learning
- Semantic Communication
- Semiconductor
- Semiconductor nanoparticle
- Semiconductor Process
- Sensor
- Sensor Analog Front End
- Sensor Calibration
- Si nanowire
- Signal Processing
- Silicon nanowire
- Silkroad
- Simulated digestion
- Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting RIS (STAR-RIS)
- Single Photon Emitter
- Smart data analytics
- Smart Tourism
- Social media platform
- Sociolinguistics
- Solar Physics
- Space Weather
- Space-Air-Ground-assisted Multi-access Edge Computing
- Spatial Analysis
- Spectroscopy
- Split computing
- Sports administration & politics
- Sports Medicine
- Sports Rehabilitation
- Starch Biosynthesis
- Statistical Analysis and Modeling
- Statistics
- Staycation
- Stochastic Signal Processing
- Stress
- Stress(Di/Eu)
- Stretchable electronics
- String theory
- Supercapacitor
- Supercapacitors
- Supergravity theory
- Sustainable Chemical Engineering & White-Bio Technology
- Sustainable energy materials
- Sustainable tourism
- Syntax
- Synthetic Methodology
- Technology
- Technology Forcasting
- Technology Strategy
- Technology-enhanced language learning
- Terpenoids
- The Sun
- Theatre
- Theoretical calculation (Semiconductor)
- Therapeutic science
- Therapeutics & Toxicology
- Thermalhydraulics
- Thermoelectric materials, Module fabrication and power generation
- Thermogenesis
- Thunderstorm Dynamics
- Tourism
- Tourism Big Data
- Tourist behavior
- Tourist psychology
- Toxicity
- Trade
- Traditional Korean medicine
- Trans-baikal
- Transcriptome analysis
- Transcriptomics
- Transducers (Energy harvesting, Sensor ...)
- Transwell system
- Travel Mobility
- Triboelectric energy harvesting
- Triboelectric nanogenerator
- Triboelectric nanogenerators
- Triboelectric Sensor
- Trustworthy AI
- Uniy Plan
- Upconversion
- Upscale synthesis
- Urban Analytics
- Virtual reality
- Visual Design
- Water Electrolysis
- Water Pipe System
- Water Resources System
- Way finding
- Wearable device
- Wearable electronics
- Wireless Channel Estimation
- Wireless Communication
- Wireless Communications
- Wireless System
- Xianbei
- Xiongnu
- 간호학
- 강화 학습
- 경험디자인
- 경희대학교
- 고전문학
- 관광
- 국문장편소설
- 국어국문학
- 국어정보학
- 국어학
- 기초한의과학
- 기후학
- 대조언어학
- 도시재생
- 디지털헬스
- 만족도조사
- 모바일 클라우드/엣지 컴퓨팅
- 문화자본
- 반려동물동반여행
- 보건학
- 부모교육 및 코칭
- 부모양육상담
- 브랜딩
- 빅데이터
- 사물 인터넷(IoT)
- 사회언어학
- 생물정보학
- 생태주의
- 시각디자인
- 실감미디어
- 실내디자인
- 아동학
- 아바타
- 암예방소재개발학
- 영유아발달
- 영화
- 옥외광고
- 우주환경
- 운동역학
- 전사체학
- 조명시설
- 지리학
- 지반공학
- 지역관광
- 지역연계문화예술교육
- 창의예술융합
- 천문우주기기
- 철학
- 콘크리트구조 연구실
- 태양
- 포스트휴머니즘
- 한국어교육학
- 한국현대문화
- 한의병리학
- 해양학
- 형태론
- 환경보건학
- 후성유전학